The film recreates a true story of an American football team of the Santa Marta Acatitla prison at Mexico city in 1979. It was filmed in the original prison with mixing of actors and real prisoners (it is possible to distinguish the real prisoners by the personal care of the faces). The story shows the corruption of the Secretary of public security in Mexico city at that time and the hypocrisy of the system to show in the society the social rehabilitation of criminals by playing sports (American football). Behind the fake appearance, the director leads a criminal band using the football team to keep control of the prison and using their criminal skills for car robberies, bank assaults and jewelry stores outside the prison. The team also fight to get conditional freedom if they win the final of the tournament and if they follow the rules of the prison director. The film use pictures and personages of real former politicians with not explicit information that just have sense for people with mexican history knowkedge of this period of time but can be a sequence loss of facts for people of other countries.