Orbital 9: Spanish Science Fiction Thriller.. Helena (Clara Lago) has spent her entire life on board a deep space starship, travelling to a new planet orbiting a distant star. Now 20, she will be 40 before she reaches her destination. Three years ago her parents sacrificed themselves after a fault in the oxygen system meant that only one of them could survive long enough for help to reach them.
Alex (Ales Gonzalez), a technician arrives by spacecraft and makes repairs, he seems distant but Alex succeeds in seducing him. When Alex leaves he exits it becomes clear that Helena is in an underground complex rather than a spaceship. The Earth is dying and this is just one of then similar "Orbiters" being used to test the possibility of sending humans to colonise a new world.
Alex now develops feelings for Helena and this will put the entire project at risk. He comes up against the chief scientist at the organisation which runs the installations and to free Helena he will have to take on not just him but literally the international Military-Industrial Complex..
Echoes of Ascension, Capricorn One and Soylent Green mesh in this Dystopia written and directed by Hatem Khraiche. 7/10. On Netflix.
Alex (Ales Gonzalez), a technician arrives by spacecraft and makes repairs, he seems distant but Alex succeeds in seducing him. When Alex leaves he exits it becomes clear that Helena is in an underground complex rather than a spaceship. The Earth is dying and this is just one of then similar "Orbiters" being used to test the possibility of sending humans to colonise a new world.
Alex now develops feelings for Helena and this will put the entire project at risk. He comes up against the chief scientist at the organisation which runs the installations and to free Helena he will have to take on not just him but literally the international Military-Industrial Complex..
Echoes of Ascension, Capricorn One and Soylent Green mesh in this Dystopia written and directed by Hatem Khraiche. 7/10. On Netflix.