Pretentious, very over-acted, though I blame script and direction for that. It wanted to bring a coolness and edge to a critical analysis of religion and existentialism. It cast science in terms of religion, or religion in terms of science. It balanced the individual against the concept of a group consciousness. It played on the idea of reality as something that one could shift into and out of as a counter (or complement) to determinism. The film over-reached a fair bit and occasionally broke character to toss a line to the likely bewildered audience to help them get over some of the more significant leaps. There was too much slow-mo of Melia Kreiling, as delightful as her screen-presence is. Still, moderate effects, some decently pretty visuals, actors making the best of their material and it's not the worst thing I've seen lately. You're better off (re-)watching the Matrix for an equivalent sci-fi edginess that touches on similar philosophical topics but is way better (and doesn't show its age at all).