I read a few reviews before deciding to write this and what I read was they felt this movie was an attack on men in general and that in order to enjoy this movie you had to be a hardcore feminist. Well that's just nuts, as a male I for one liked this film. at one point after I read the reviews I tried to stop watching , I guess I felt that I had to support y gender since that is what they thought. But I just couldn't. There was something that pulled me into it. made me want to watch it all. The reviews that I have read that critic this movie in a negative way are not really critiquing the movie but how they side with the story being told. Saying the movie is bad because its unfair towards men is a weak critic about the movie itself and more of a view into what that person thinks about strong women to begin with.
The movie itself is rather slowed paced but always kept me intrigue enough to want to sit and watch it all. Its not my typical type of movie , I am more of an action pact movie guy but every now and then I find myself captivated by a slow paced film such as this.