The music is not by Morricone this time, it's by Francis Lai, but it's in the spirit of Morricone. Belmondo is the same nice guy, honest, and precisely because he is honest, in a completely dirty and dishonest world, he will have troubles... But the troubles pass, and as in fairy tales, the evil one is killed, and the good remains with the girl, with another girl, not with the original one, not the evil man's daughter. Watch the movie, there are a lot of great actors, Bernard Blier, the very beautiful and talented Marie-France Pisier, Nicole Garcia, François Perrot, etc. It's originally told and edited, present-past, flash-backs. It's not Verneuil's best but is good. If you are patient, after one hour, I promise you a big surprise: Serena in the role Frida de Düsseldorf...