"Captain Cosmotic" is a German 90-minute movie from 1998, so this one will have its 20th anniversary next year. Director and writer is Thilo Gosejohann and his more known brother Simon is on board too playing one of the characters. The co-writer is Jan Hendrik Meyer and he has worked with T.G. on many occasions and he plays the title character here. You could certainly call these 1.5 hours a fantasy film, so I am a bit surprised this genre is missing here on IMDb as it is maybe the defining genre in fact. Cast members are not known at all except the one I mentioned already, but this should not be a surprise looking at who made this and that he worked together with Jörg Buttgereit too. Budgetet was minimal for sure, so here we have an amateur movie and as such it really could have been worse. There is guilty pleasure potential here and on some occasions you get an entertaining moment. For T.G. it is probably his second-most known work and an effort from relatively early in his career. This is the story of a bunch of aliens coming to the Earth to get in possession of its core and destroy humanity as well as the planet while running into many earthling who are a strong opposition to the invaders despite facing their very own problems like the woman who gets humiliated by everybody early on. One of the film's strengths is that it never takes itself seriously, but if we are honest here it's also pretty impossible to do so. It may be decent for its budget, but overall it simply isn't good enough for a recommendation, even if it shines through its occasional randomness and absurdity. Thumbs down. Don't watch.
Review of Captain Cosmotic
Captain Cosmotic
(1998 Video)
Good for the budget perhaps, but that's all
18 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers