Euthanizing a pet is a painful and awful process. Some people are wary of taking their pet to a veterinarian for this service. This is where Veijo steps in. He provides a pet euthanizing service that is outside the scope of the law as well as professional standards. Customers get what they pay for. Veijo's price is a sliding scale. The better Veijo believes the customer cares for their pet, the better the price. The toll goes beyond money and into the realm of karmic retribution. Veijo believes that people need to suffer for the pain they cause. Those who do not take responsibility for their animals are subject to biting lectures, insults, price increases, violence and other odd penalties. When it becomes apparent that Veijo's blunt, impulsive and harmful behavior is not limited to his customers, the wheels of true karma and justice begin to churn.
This dark and wacky comedy is a welcome antidote to the neutered and boring slop that pervades much of the airwaves and networks of the world. The story, characters and themes are refreshing and intriguing. However, the film could benefit from more depth and support across the board; dialogue, cinematography, plot, organization, funding and more. Seen at the Toronto International Film Festival.
This dark and wacky comedy is a welcome antidote to the neutered and boring slop that pervades much of the airwaves and networks of the world. The story, characters and themes are refreshing and intriguing. However, the film could benefit from more depth and support across the board; dialogue, cinematography, plot, organization, funding and more. Seen at the Toronto International Film Festival.