This show has made a teenager don't decision .I liked the Chipmunks as 8 year old kids, but please don't make us relive this show as teenagers .It was bad enough being a teenager ,nobody wants to relive it on a cartoon .Maybe the best change they have made to the show was Eleanor before she was a miniature sized, loud mouth adult, now she is shown having some kid traits before you were looking for her childhood that she must have lost along the way as a baby,Theodore used to have some abilities but is now he is shown to have none ,Simon is pretty much the same character ,Jeanette used to be a bit brighter tool in the shed but she mostly alright ,and Alvin and Brittany have lost there ability to fight with each so we have lost some of the magic from the original show plus I used to like Brittany's sarcastic mouth but she has lost it .Some of the episodes are better than others so brace up for the ride if you choice to tune in .