The first episode, as has been mentioned before, was excellent, with a little bit of everything. Sadly the writers ( if they were in face the same writers ) felt that if 1 teaspoon of excitement per episode was giving good results then 2 cups must be the formula for even better results. Like a lot of amateurish writing and game sequels, writers can't seem to resist 'bumping' up the formula percentages to in the mistaken belief that more is better. By episode three I was tearing out my hair in frustration as they bumbled their way from one ridiculous and preposterous situation to another culminating in a skyjacking.....yes...that's right.....a SKYJACKING....of a tiny, poorly equipped, backwoods airline in the far north. I gagged my way through a few more episodes but the 'plots', for want of a more appropriate and less rude word, were so fantastic and reused....they even recycled emergencies on supposed nearly-unknown landing strips....that I finally gave up in disgust. With all the appeal and inevitability of a Road Runner cartoon I'm amazed that this monstrosity made it through one season...never mind the three it miraculously landed. Somebody wasn't paying attention to the numbers methinks. Anyway.....don't waste your time with this crap unless you're really hard up for some airline drama....picture a cross between the Young and Restless and First Blood.......