This review is written as a reader from the original book Ciudades Desiertas by José Agustín, so if you did read the book, be prepared for being deluded. It would be unfair to expect that the adaptation of a great book will be great as well just as Fight Club, so I didn't expect that level from this movie at all. However, since I knew the title, I knew this was going to be a huge deception. I didn't understand why they change fundamental parts from the book. The main characters are totally out of context: him, is supposed to be an average Mexican, and even if I love Gael Garcia Bernal acting, he doesn't look as an average Mexican at all. Her wife, Susana, in this movie is for some –weird– reason Spanish, which totally changes as well the context of a Mexican feminist. Ciudades Desiertas speaks about Mexican and American identities and their contrasts and in this movie seems to be forgotten. Actually, the plot in this movie seems to be forgotten. You simply don't get it, even if you haven't read the book. As someone pointed before, this is a missed opportunity.