"Springtime for Thomas" is a 7.5-minute cartoon from the Golden Age of Animation, from 1946 to be more precise and it means that this one is already over 70 years old. It is a Hanna Barbera production that is probably among their more known Tom and Jerry shorts these days. It is also one of the rare films where we have Tom being referenced as Thomas and we also hear him talk on one occasion. This one is all about love. Tom prefers drooling over the female cat next door over playing cat-and-mouse games with Jerry, an unacceptable situation for the little mouse though and this film in its entirety is really a great deal about the playfulness between the two and not at all about them being enemies. But in order to keep it from being too light, we have another male cat, a black one, being the antagonist to Tom as he clearly has his plans too with the attractive female cat. Luckily for Tom, these cartoons often have David defeat Goliath and as he is physically inferior to the other cat, this means that he manages to defeat him most of the time, something he rarely manages when going up against Jerry. And when eventually the status quo is restored, then things become difficult again quickly the way they were before and yet completely different. A funny little film with several entertaining interactions. Certainly a good watch if you love old cartoons. I give it a thumbs-up and think you should see it.