"Finding Kate" is an American 13-minute live action short film from 2004, so this one will have its 15th anniversary soon. Writer and director is Katherine Brooks and this is not her only lesbian-themed work we have here. I also hope this is not among her very best as this would not say anything positive about her career at all. Anyway, she still is only around the age of 40, so there's room for improvement in the future. The script here is just too shallow to be honest in my opinion and it was an impossible work for the actresses to make it work. There is definitely a great deal of ambition in here, but that hurts the film even more as the talent just isn't there. Especially the seaside scenes feel kinda empty, but the party scenes, including the dialogues aren't a revelation either. All in all, not a failure, but definitely also way below the level where I would give it a thumbs-up and recommend the watch. They tried to turn this into something for much bigger than 13 minutes and the result is the opposite. Skip the watch here, also not even a good watch if you're horny.