This film tells the story of the ex-villain Gru, who teams up with his twin brother whom he has never met, in order to fight against the former famous child star in Hollywood who has become a horrible villain.
"Despicable Me 3" is so much fun! The plot is super funny as usual. The cinema laughed hard many times. Every character is cute, even the villains. Using bubblegum as a weapon is a novel idea, and it's actually fun. The mansion is crazily nice, abs the minions are cute as usual. I enjoyed it lots, and the many children in the cinema enjoyed it too.
"Despicable Me 3" is so much fun! The plot is super funny as usual. The cinema laughed hard many times. Every character is cute, even the villains. Using bubblegum as a weapon is a novel idea, and it's actually fun. The mansion is crazily nice, abs the minions are cute as usual. I enjoyed it lots, and the many children in the cinema enjoyed it too.