Zola's novel starts with Denise arriving in Paris and finishes some 500 pages later in what might be called a happy ending. In between are so much character detail and socio-economic ideas that the BBC could have made a six-hour miniseries out of it. Alas, that option was not open to Duvivier in 1929 as he was shooting this film. The young (early 30's) director had studied the Soviet artists closely; Dziga Vertov and Fritz Lang must have been familiar to him. As a result, we have some very impressive split screen work for the delusions of Baudu.
Dita Parlo keeps looking like a girl scout most of the time--she does not take direction well. Pierre de Guingand as Mouret is given little to work with; we don't know why he's so smitten with Denise. Germaine Rouer as the grasping socialite does impressive work; she's one of the few characters who is given a personal story to work with.
Dita Parlo keeps looking like a girl scout most of the time--she does not take direction well. Pierre de Guingand as Mouret is given little to work with; we don't know why he's so smitten with Denise. Germaine Rouer as the grasping socialite does impressive work; she's one of the few characters who is given a personal story to work with.