Well, i picked this movie for Erin. I don't know if it's her red hairs, her faith or her talent but i really appreciate her kindness, her energy and dedication. Sure as a LDS production, it shows the rules of LDS wedding and there is no way for accommodation. But it's told in a funny way (i like when Erin gets out of the movie and speaks to the audience) and with such extreme characters that it's not a dull proselytism ! in addition, the movie is very short (80 minutes) so it goes to the essential and have not really time-out. Sure sometimes you can guess it's a sequel because all the friends seems to be the previous subjects but you can see this one like a single movie too ! One more note : the boyfriend and future husband is also really good : he reminds me of Owen Wilson but a thousand more sympathetic and less arrogant !
Review of The Singles 2nd Ward
The Singles 2nd Ward
Maybe doctrinal but also relaxed and at the end, enjoyable ! (web)
31 December 2016