I saw The Escort and wished to see more from Doneger. I believe this action of mine is a compliment on itself. As for This Thing With Sarah, I found it as equally cool as The Escort was. I am glad that I discovered Doneger because greater things will come from him in the future, though I think that his kind of audience is yet to come. I mean, we will pretty soon get sick from all those movies created for viewers with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, but not just yet, it seems. This Thing With Sarah, in my opinion, is content. What I like about Doneger is that he is an actor and a writer that creates lovable characters, and not only in a cute way, but in a smart way as well. He tells clever jokes and portrays eccentric, nonetheless existing characters that many of us would not have a chance to ever meet, or know in a lifetime. He, on the other hand, seems to be interacting with such people, observes for on the end to portray them to us.The plot of This Thing With Sarah has a novelistic feel. I don't know if Doneger writes novels, but if he does I bet he is pretty good at it. I only couldn't find who did the casting for the movie from the IMDb, I was hoping to find out, somehow, why were everybody in the movie with thin lips. Unimportant and silly from me, I know, but really, why?