The Path is an excellent rendering of a contemporary cult and the machinations, lies, delusions and outright corruption engaged upon to ensure its survival. If one studies cults and how they lure in followers, and how they manipulate them into buying into their ideas and eventually losing touch with their own sense of reality, self determinism and free-will, the Path brings all of that out into the open. Sometimes it is actually painful to watch if you have ever known someone, especially someone close to you, who has been caught in the maws of a cult. Moreover, the producers did a great job of showing just how such a cult as The Path, can hide behind the mantle of religiosity, and using peer pressure, and more importantly, peer-mentality, cover up all manner of abuses, violations of human rights and corruption. Although the characters, in some cases, appear to be extreme, it can only be said that until one has experienced the reality of life inside the inner sanctum of a cult, that it is hard to believe that people can become, literally, another person altogether once they have turned over their loyalty to the cult. Normal people become abnormal. Kids disconnect from their families and loved ones. And social personalities become toxic - all in the name of the pursuit of spirituality. The contradictions are well played in this series. Definitely worth watching.