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Mass Effect: Andromeda (2017 Video Game)
A Shameful Let-Down
13 April 2017
Like the previous games of the Mass Effect franchise, the design of Andromeda's protagonist characters are based upon real life models, both of which, as you would assume, are good looking people. The male Ryder appears as handsome as his real life counterpart, Steven Brewis, while the female Ryder is quite ugly and nothing like her real life counterpart, Jayde Rossi. Additionally, the female Ryder suffers from very strange facial animations which are often highly inappropriate considering the situations she is in, an example of this would be smiling while talking about the recent death of someone she cared deeply for.

Dialogue options in Mass Effect:Andromeda are very lacklustre with most situations only allowing 2 choices, either casual or professional. Almost all the casual responses result in cheesy one-liners and the professional choices are very similar in their intent, just without the 'humor'. When you are presented with a choice to do one thing or another, almost every single time this results in no difference whatsoever and will not affect the ending of the game or even the immediate circumstances after the choice has been made. This in my opinion means the player is without control and his or her decisions are rather meaningless.

Facial animations are terrible, example: Director Addison, an important character who the protagonist comes into contact with in the beginning of the game. When you first meet Addison she has wide open eyes that don't even blink and has no facial expression whatsoever. Addison proceeds to utter the line "my face is tired". Gamers realised that this line of dialogue was created in an attempt to somehow explain the missing facial animation for this character!

Summary. Mass Effect:Andromeda has many bugs. Enemies can and do frequently spawn up in the air and get stuck there, side tasks remain incomplete and weird NPC animations which make no sense whatsoever are quite frequent throughout the game. The characters of Mass Effect:Andromeda are uninteresting, quite ugly, badly animated and sometimes annoying. Since Mass Effect games are supposed to be role playing and team building games, this means the game loses all credibility as a role-playing game.

Notes: 2 patches have been released which (attempt) to rectify some of the animation issues and bugs but not all of the issues mentioned, however, this does not in any way excuse the state that this game was released in.

Final thoughts. It's a real shame that this game was released in such an unfinished and tarnished state. No one in their right mind would ever consider Mass Effect:Andromeda to be a triple A title like it's predecessors and as a huge fan of Mass Effect 1,2 and 3 I'm left feeling empty and cheated.
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