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Review of War Dogs

War Dogs (2016)
great work from Jonah Hill
25 March 2017
It's 2005 Miami. David Packouz (Miles Teller) is struggling as a masseuse. He reconnects with childhood friend Efraim Diveroli (Jonah Hill). Efraim has been buying guns from police auctions and reselling them online. There is a new government clearing house website for military contracts and he's looking to pick up some of the crumbs. David joins him after getting girlfriend Iz (Ana de Armas) pregnant. With dry cleaner Ralph Slutsky (Kevin Pollak) providing the capital, they start getting some contracts. Eventually, they meet unsavory arms dealer Henry Girard (Bradley Cooper) and get a massive Afghan deal.

This is unlike Todd Phillips' more famed comedic movies. It's not big laughs but it is a lighter look at a darker world. Jonah Hill gets chubbier to fit this character perfectly. He is a douche but he is not a threatening douche. He has just enough crazy but not uncontrolled. His chemistry with Teller is terrific. This is a compelling story told in a compelling and engaging way. It's great all around and an overlooked gem.
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