A good picture. Its basis is the refusal of men employed in a mill to remain at work because one of their number has been discharged for being late at work, he having been detained by reason of a sick wife. There is a strike. The men send a note to the employer to the effect that unless they hear the siren calling them to work at the usual hour in the morning they will assault the works. This, of course, is silly. There is in the picture a most interesting little girl. She it is who becomes much interested in the cause of the men, and while the trouble is brewing outside the works at the appointed hour surreptitiously pulls the lever which blows the whistle and starts the engine. - The Moving Picture World, November 16, 1912
Review of The Siren's Call to Duty
The Siren's Call to Duty
There is in the picture a most interesting little girl
10 March 2017