Besieged City is a coming of age story that explores the relationship between domestic abuse and social acceptance. Without loving parental figures, the main character grows to be an outcast neglected by the social norm. When the only place of acceptance is the life of a street kid.
When at home, Chun was verbally and physically abused by his parents and in school, he was bullied by his peers. With no friends for support and an estranged older brother who turns a blind eye, Chun chooses to run away. Given his lack of friends, he was easily recruited into a small group of delinquents whose influence turn him into another person.
The film looks at some of the issues faced by youths today such as bullying, drugs, gangs and stealing. It also shows the issue of societal acceptance which is especially important to teenagers. This is one of the few HK films that explores drug use from a middle-school drop out's perspective. Realistic and unfiltered.
When at home, Chun was verbally and physically abused by his parents and in school, he was bullied by his peers. With no friends for support and an estranged older brother who turns a blind eye, Chun chooses to run away. Given his lack of friends, he was easily recruited into a small group of delinquents whose influence turn him into another person.
The film looks at some of the issues faced by youths today such as bullying, drugs, gangs and stealing. It also shows the issue of societal acceptance which is especially important to teenagers. This is one of the few HK films that explores drug use from a middle-school drop out's perspective. Realistic and unfiltered.