There might be some confusion about this film. Back in the 1950s and into the 60s, there was a series of British Doctor films...several of which starred Dirk Bogarde. While this one has 'Doctor' in the title and stars Bogarde, it is NOT from this series and the strange foreboding music at the beginning of the film makes that all too clear! The film, unlike the Doctor series, is set in about 1910...not present-day England.
When the story begins, you learn that a doctor has come up with a definitive cure for Tuberculosis. However, he's just one man and cannot cure he is not about to take on any new patients. He's about to say that to Mrs. Dubedat (Leslie Caron) but she utterly charms him. The Doctor is also very impressed by the artwork of Mr. Dubedat (Bogarde). So he agrees to treat the artist. Soon, however, he and his doctor friends learn the truth....Louis Dubedat is a bigamist, a liar and a thief! Clearly he's a sociopath...and a charming one to boot! Should they still treat this man or find someone more worthy? The answer seems to be no...but they do like Mrs. Dubedat and don't want to hurt her.
In many ways, Bogarde puts on a fascinating and realistic portrait of an Antisocial Personality. He has no conscience whatsoever and feels he is above conventional morality. When confronted with his infamous behaviors, instead of behaving like he's contrite, he feels completely justified in hurting and taking advantage of others. Charming and yet without a single positive personality trait! I wish I'd seen this film when I was teaching would have made a great object lesson! It would also be interesting having them watch Mrs. she surely seems like a Dependent Personality with Antisocial features...a woman who will excuse ANY action by her husband and have little regard for his victims.
So if you are not a psychology student, is it still worth seeing? Yes, the acting is quite nice and the story an interesting moral dilemma. I only have a couple misgivings about the film. The Dubedats are so horrible (particularly Mr. Dubedat) that it makes you wonder why there is any dilemma at all. Maybe they should have made the guy less obviously vile! Subtle, he isn't. Additionally, the ending went on WAY too long and was simply overdone and overly melodramatic.
When the story begins, you learn that a doctor has come up with a definitive cure for Tuberculosis. However, he's just one man and cannot cure he is not about to take on any new patients. He's about to say that to Mrs. Dubedat (Leslie Caron) but she utterly charms him. The Doctor is also very impressed by the artwork of Mr. Dubedat (Bogarde). So he agrees to treat the artist. Soon, however, he and his doctor friends learn the truth....Louis Dubedat is a bigamist, a liar and a thief! Clearly he's a sociopath...and a charming one to boot! Should they still treat this man or find someone more worthy? The answer seems to be no...but they do like Mrs. Dubedat and don't want to hurt her.
In many ways, Bogarde puts on a fascinating and realistic portrait of an Antisocial Personality. He has no conscience whatsoever and feels he is above conventional morality. When confronted with his infamous behaviors, instead of behaving like he's contrite, he feels completely justified in hurting and taking advantage of others. Charming and yet without a single positive personality trait! I wish I'd seen this film when I was teaching would have made a great object lesson! It would also be interesting having them watch Mrs. she surely seems like a Dependent Personality with Antisocial features...a woman who will excuse ANY action by her husband and have little regard for his victims.
So if you are not a psychology student, is it still worth seeing? Yes, the acting is quite nice and the story an interesting moral dilemma. I only have a couple misgivings about the film. The Dubedats are so horrible (particularly Mr. Dubedat) that it makes you wonder why there is any dilemma at all. Maybe they should have made the guy less obviously vile! Subtle, he isn't. Additionally, the ending went on WAY too long and was simply overdone and overly melodramatic.