Yes, all the "gafapasta" critics will love movies were a guy/girl shows another how to live the life. Remarkable sentences and perfect attitude against tragedy. Or mature people laughing of everything because "that's life" or an stupid guy showing her narcissism but showing a "lovely imperfect" woman the world of the love, the dance, and rejecting her parents putting their job and money over the love of her family ¿Where the hell is that people? Life couldn't be further. A lot of times it's not about people attitude against tragedy, but tragedy made by stupid people, and no one gets you out or choose love before money / body... This movie has something: shows you the life of a girl who lives in a horrible world (not only "zombies" but her family, her daily problems...) but has friends to live a horrible adventure, they are very particular, and she meets the love, meets the support of her friends against all her problems, in a bizarre way (as this stupid world is) she has her own scary adventure where she is not alone. This movie has something that all Oscar "pipe made" movies hasn't got: personality. The only think I need in a movie in this world of "marvellous" and "lovely" and "emotive" and "unexpected" copies of movies in an absolutely different kind of world.