This is a nicely done romantic-drama with an Asian twist. The leads are well matched. She is seriously gorgeous (from every camera angle), and an actor that many will definitely be on the lookout for in the future. The third important lead in the film is the city of Hong Kong itself. For those who have never been, it gives a very good feel and look inside this bustling metropolis. It's a simple story.. one that's been told time and again. They're both with other people, and cross paths with someone to whom they both have an attraction and almost instant connection. The dialogue comes easy, time moves along at a relaxed pace, although the story lacks complexity. It happens infrequently, but here's another rom-com-drama where there's no kissing, and little touching (except for a handshake and a brief dance). Of course running into each other the second time (especially in this complex city) would be nothing short of miraculous, but without it there is no movie. At the end do they make one more stop.. they want you feeling the answer is in her final glance.