This film tells the story of a successful businessman, who hires a young man good at information technology. When the businessman wants to set boundaries with his young employee, things quickly sour and turn dangerous.
I think this story reminds us of the dangers of sharing too much on the internet. It is a fairly convincing story of how cyber stalking occurs and just how scary it can be. What I don't understand is why the businessman initially invites the employee to have a drink but subsequently wants to set a boundary. This minor inconsistency could have been easily rectified, and the story would have been even more tight and convincing. At the current state, "I.T." is still a good thriller that keeps me interested throughout.
I think this story reminds us of the dangers of sharing too much on the internet. It is a fairly convincing story of how cyber stalking occurs and just how scary it can be. What I don't understand is why the businessman initially invites the employee to have a drink but subsequently wants to set a boundary. This minor inconsistency could have been easily rectified, and the story would have been even more tight and convincing. At the current state, "I.T." is still a good thriller that keeps me interested throughout.