Eleven years ago, an ugly family argument left a cute little blond boy traumatized. In the present day, fabulously wealthy 42-year-old Malibu mother Vivica A. Fox (as Renee) notices strange lights coming from the mansion next door. This turns out to be Robbie Davidson (as Andrew Haight), an attractive 19-year-old matching the young boy in the opening minutes. As we know from the ugly old incident, he was the son of the man who met an unfortunate end. His mother has died recently, of stomach cancer. But, we are left wondering where his real father is and what happened to the kid. Presently, creep-acting young Davidson turns up at Ms. Fox' luxurious estate claiming to be the long-lost son of her architect husband Gary Daniels (as Charles Callahan)...
In typical "Lifetime" TV movie fashion, Fox invites Davidson to move in with her family. Fox acts motherly, but Mr. Daniels is reluctant to play Davidson's daddy. His reluctance causes friction in the parental relationship. The family includes pretty 18-year-old Jackson family member Stevena (as Amy). Her character's father died in a car accident when she was eleven. That intriguing information is cast to the wind...
When she receives her birthday gift, Fox' earrings look like they're going rip her ear lobes off, but she recovers with some less weighty jewels. Former 1960s "Family Affair" TV series child actor Johnny Whitaker is good to see in a small part. Ricky Nelson's daughter Tracy runs one of Fox' shops. Director David DeCoteau does his best work with young Davidson. The Matthew Jason Walsh story is recycled from previous ones telecast on the Lifetime channel. "The Wrong Child" resembles "Are You My Daughter?" (2015) with a gender difference, among others. However, a later revelation conspicuously omits a typical relationship, which would have been (here) between characters of the same sex. Even worse, later revelations don't match up with story and performances.
** The Wrong Child (6/26/2016) David DeCoteau ~ Vivica A. Fox, Robbie Davidson, Gary Daniels, Stevana Jackson
In typical "Lifetime" TV movie fashion, Fox invites Davidson to move in with her family. Fox acts motherly, but Mr. Daniels is reluctant to play Davidson's daddy. His reluctance causes friction in the parental relationship. The family includes pretty 18-year-old Jackson family member Stevena (as Amy). Her character's father died in a car accident when she was eleven. That intriguing information is cast to the wind...
When she receives her birthday gift, Fox' earrings look like they're going rip her ear lobes off, but she recovers with some less weighty jewels. Former 1960s "Family Affair" TV series child actor Johnny Whitaker is good to see in a small part. Ricky Nelson's daughter Tracy runs one of Fox' shops. Director David DeCoteau does his best work with young Davidson. The Matthew Jason Walsh story is recycled from previous ones telecast on the Lifetime channel. "The Wrong Child" resembles "Are You My Daughter?" (2015) with a gender difference, among others. However, a later revelation conspicuously omits a typical relationship, which would have been (here) between characters of the same sex. Even worse, later revelations don't match up with story and performances.
** The Wrong Child (6/26/2016) David DeCoteau ~ Vivica A. Fox, Robbie Davidson, Gary Daniels, Stevana Jackson