A soul-satisfying melodrama dealing with the adventures of a disgraced but innocent man who after he was released from prison proved a very noble hero and, what is not always true in this kind of picture, a man also. It is constructed in the loose way which is very effective in motion pictures. This business man had the same name as a burglar and by mistake received a letter that really wasn't safe to carry around. That letter made him suspicious and he interfered with a special officer who was acting like a burglar, consequently he was taken to the station house and the letter found. He went to prison, even his sweetheart testified against him. Later, he becomes a soldier. The girl is in love with his lieutenant. These three are alone on the hills when Indians attack. The lieutenant proves a coward, but the hero holds off the Indians, shoots 'em right and left, knocks 'em off their horses till only two are left. Then, at the end, he walks away while the girl holds out her arms to him in vain. - The Moving Picture World, December 9, 1911