As far as a horror movies go this isn't all bad. Yes it's killer hillbillys plus some torture porn thrown in. Yes it definitely follows the numbers of the killer hillbilly genre. However the Rambo hero played by Paul Logan who is a terrible actor really lets the whole thing down. OK we have all the annoying teenagers going camping in the woods you usually get in these sort of movies but let's face it watch these movies for the killers right. This is where this movie rises above we have Vernon Wells(Commando,The Road Warrior) Costas Mandylor(Saw Franchise) Matthew Willig(Year One) plus more as our bad guys. These guys aren't the Wrong Turn type of killers but escaped cons holding up with a few locals in the woods. The movie plays out more like an action movie however and this is where it goes wrong. Our hero slashes his way through the cast of baddies with ease therefore taking out any sort of tension the The Horde tried to build. I have to blame the director for this because they had good actors not given enough screen time(Bill Mossely as a bartender, Nestor Serrano as a cop what a waste) so Paul Logan can flex his way through. To sum up not the worst out there but far from the best.