I stumbled over this movie on Amazon Prime and didn't expect anything special or even good. The low tempo and depressing opening didn't convince me that I would make it to the end. To be honest, I was playing 2048 while watching at first ...
But then. somehow, I forgot the game and sunk deeply into this story about loss, racism, politics which is also an insightful portrait of small town life.
This is not a "feel good movie" - not at all. But it made me feel with the characters deeply and left me impressed.
As I'm neither American nor black or gay I can't judge about the authenticity of the setting or scenery. I can only say that the characters and storyline felt authentic to me.
If you're a seeker of the deeper aspects of human life and humanity you will appreciate this movie. It hurts to watch.
But then. somehow, I forgot the game and sunk deeply into this story about loss, racism, politics which is also an insightful portrait of small town life.
This is not a "feel good movie" - not at all. But it made me feel with the characters deeply and left me impressed.
As I'm neither American nor black or gay I can't judge about the authenticity of the setting or scenery. I can only say that the characters and storyline felt authentic to me.
If you're a seeker of the deeper aspects of human life and humanity you will appreciate this movie. It hurts to watch.