Hijrat is the exciting debut film from director Farouq Mengal with first big screen appearances for the romantic leads Asad Zaman, Rabia Butt and Rubab Ali. Mengal's original script revolves around the refugee plight from the Afghan Wars living in camps. While watching this movie I was struck by the fresh faces and magnetic acting quality of the principles and their chemistry that made watching Hijrat a joy. Hijrat is a true action/romance having something for all: The central tragedy of refugees in crisis is the core layered with genre songs for local audiences in Pakistan/India, dynamic stunts executed by Asad Zaman combined with a classic love triangle interest for younger viewers. Some great actors Nadeem Baig,Ayub Khoso & Jamal Shah factor in for seasoned Pakistani film goers to give substance: The strong acting by Asad Zaman & Rabia Butt make us feel the agony of loss,young love, heartbreak and a coming of age. Hijrat opens the viewer to feel that love has no borders or religious limits. The original script/songs and funding are all from Pakistan. "Hijrat" is an innovative new film for Lollywood & the re-birth of Pakistani cinema.