I like Ghost Adventures, even though Nick is gone and Zak has become increasingly given to pontificating and wearing art school clothing (black on black and thick rimmed glasses). That show is still interesting, both in the historical places they visit and the experiences they have. I guess it's not easy coming up with interesting places that are reputed to be haunted on a consistent basis, so they ventured into Aftershocks (which is okay) and Deadly Possessions. This show feels cheap and slapped together, and not authentic, a bit like the Ryan Buell paranormal show with Penn State students. People come in with objects they think are linked with the paranormal, and Zak sits listening, trying to ask overly provocative questions, and even with cuts to dramatic recreations of events, nothing really happens, it's just rather dull storytelling on the whole. If I had watched this show first and had never seen Ghost Adventures, I'd imagine GA must be a boring, hokey show and avoid watching it. It's a poor effort, and fails primarily because it has a premise that is hard to make interesting and believable. I don't know, what does a ghost hunter do in his spare time? Is it possible to make staying at home and talking to average people with objects they think might be bad interesting and worth watching? Not in this case, unfortunately.