I had the privilege of seeing Salam Neighbor at The Capitol followed by a panel and Q&A with Chris, Zach, and several others. Salam Neighbor is a great representation of what Syrian refugees are living everyday. From a family of refugees myself, I loved that what my family went through over 20 years ago is now finally in film and being shown to people all over the world. Hearing about the refugee crisis isn't as life-changing if you hear bits and pieces over the news. Listening to the stories from the refugees themselves is extremely eye-opening. Salam Neighbor is a great film to watch for those who want to hear the refugee stories and learn more about them. My favorite part about the film was probably the fact it wasn't about Chris and Zach living in the refugee camp, but the people they were surrounded with. The film tells the story of the refugees and what their hopes are for the future. It gave me a better understanding of the life of a refugee and the struggles they have to face everyday. It is mind-boggling that Chris and Zach went from living on one dollar in Guatemala to living the life of a refugee. I would highly recommend watching this. Overall, it is a great film and I can't wait to see what Chris and Zach are going to come up with next!