No cringing here. This is vintage Australian movie making at its best. Script, casting, directions, delicate camera work - just a perfect production.This had all the ingredients for being soppy and clichéd, but tight scripting and direction keeps it together all the way to its simple ending. It recognizes Peter Allen career as being one filled with the gritty boringness of trying to make it,until his ship sailed in with the all-sails blazing Judy Garland, played in perfect balance by Sigrid Thornton, a role that could have so easily slipped into parody. The clever flatness of colour at times poignantly captures an era of post war Australia when all was not easy on the home-front, but new sounds and media were innocently arising. This series reveals how the Australian film industry has been so dreadfully neglected, as it showcases the ability of our homegrown talent to make world class entertainment.