The story focuses on Claire, a girl suffering with a mental illness, dealing with a tragedy she suffered. Claire attends a help group, they discuss the suicide of young Nina, and Claire soon gets haunted by visions of Nina, and starts looking into why she jumped into a freeway, she becomes entangled in Nina's life in lots of ways.
Seeing Lucy Punch made me smile, she's one crazy girl, only a small part but nice to see her getting into bigger titles.
I'll be honest I chose this title completely at random, having no idea what it was about. I was no major friends fan so I can't compare what she was like then to how she is now, but in this she is fantastic, what a great actress, no wonder they say if you can do comedy you can do anything.
It's a very deep, dark intelligent film, that dares to deal with some of the subjects people don't like to talk about. I really enjoyed it. Am a little reminded of Nurse Jackie. 8/10
Seeing Lucy Punch made me smile, she's one crazy girl, only a small part but nice to see her getting into bigger titles.
I'll be honest I chose this title completely at random, having no idea what it was about. I was no major friends fan so I can't compare what she was like then to how she is now, but in this she is fantastic, what a great actress, no wonder they say if you can do comedy you can do anything.
It's a very deep, dark intelligent film, that dares to deal with some of the subjects people don't like to talk about. I really enjoyed it. Am a little reminded of Nurse Jackie. 8/10