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Preservation (2014)
Another waste of time
24 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Holy Hell!! Where can i start with this one? Well, the start of the Film was OK! up until our Protagonists awaken to find all their stuff (including the tent around them) gone. From that moment it's as though the writer just gave up on the project. They decide to head back to the car but don't know where it is at which point the Combat vet essentially decides they should follow the Sun and that having no car keys isn't an issue as he can hot wire a car. After walking part way with the happy couple of the trio he then decides that he's going to go back and find his dog that also went missing during the who's going to hot wire the car? The Kills are terrible to say the least - Combat Vet in particular is a pretty awful Kill and more fitting to a Man who hasn't seen any Combat or indeed (lets take this to a base level) Films in his life, turning his back on the Masked Killer ( after having bludgeoned him with the butt of the rifle mind you) before turning to face a perfectly with it Killer, who promptly dispatches our Combat Vet. Once she is left alone and preps herself Rambo style things really do go from the absurd to the outright ridiculous. In one scene she sets off a series of smoke flares creating a screen of smoke over a relatively small area, however it seems sufficiently large enough to completely separate our Trio of Masked Killers so none are actually in the same vicinity( and i wonder if they're in the same State to be honest). These Killers who up until this point have worked as a cohesive team, dispatching two Men( one a Combat Vet ) with such ease, now struggle to dispatch a lone female who by her own admission can't climb a rock face(which i'll come to in a moment) or hot wire a car or indeed kill anything since she's a Vegan. Now, this Rock face which she HAD to climb in order to get out seemed to be bypassed by our (now obviously Teen) Killers riding Mountain Bikes. The Film had no cohesion, no sense. It seemed almost every scene you notice another glaring error. I didn't particularly go into this with any great expectation but i came out it absolutely numb. I feel i lost IQ points by watching this utter drivel and were i to discover it was written by a Child in Primary School i honestly wouldn't be overly shocked or stunned by that. There were one or two semi decent parts....well one, the beginning was OK as mentioned earlier but there was no Character development, no sympathy with the Protagonists. The Killer Kids NEVER spoke to each other which had me believe they were Mute until the eldest got a Phone call from "Mom". The Female lead went from Rabbit in the headlights to Deranged, determined for retribution in the blinking of an eye when in all honesty she could've made her way to the Main Road hitched a lift and informed the Police of the Brutal Murder of her Husband and Brother in Law. I could go in with faults but i'll let you decide for yourself should you be brave or bored enough to sit through this, which, please for the sake of the Children, don't!
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