Little good it will do posting here, but History Channel has obscured any feedback paths to their programming department.
I really would like to watch this show. I managed to get through to the first commercial. But it's the sound. Rather, the NOISE. Their sound editor seems compelled to pull out all the sound effects he can find and throw it into the program at an unreasonably high volume. I have to crank up the volume to hear the narrator, which causes others in the room not interested in the show to scream to turn it down. It's very annoying to me too, especially that sound of someone dragging sheet metal off a truck. Really.
I really would like to watch this show. I managed to get through to the first commercial. But it's the sound. Rather, the NOISE. Their sound editor seems compelled to pull out all the sound effects he can find and throw it into the program at an unreasonably high volume. I have to crank up the volume to hear the narrator, which causes others in the room not interested in the show to scream to turn it down. It's very annoying to me too, especially that sound of someone dragging sheet metal off a truck. Really.