Isn't this supposed to be a comedy? It took an hour into this two-hour cauldron of clichéd humor for this reviewer's first titter of a laugh. There were few, if any, real laughs throughout this overly long movie. It's hard to understand what all the hoopla is over Amy Schumer - she's just not funny, nor is she very likable - the rest of the cast is actually OK. Bill Hader being the most visible and talented in this whole muddle of a movie. "Trainwreck" would have been funnier if Kristen Wiig, Melissa McCarthy or even Reese Witherspoon had been cast as the main character. Overall the movie was boring, boring, boring. It was difficult to stay awake, despite the constant barrage of crude and vulgar jokes emanating from the screen - perhaps the intent was to keep the audience in shock. No such luck here. As the flick's title implies it definitely is a real disaster.