Ill be honest, i didn't have much enthusiasm for this movie, not that i didn't like it, but just that i hadn't seen it, and the premise didn't really interest me. of course, that was 5 years ago, and ever since then, i decided to watch it. i acquired it, but kept putting it off for time. then my best friend strongly recommended it to me and i decided to give It a go. i had the exact same reaction as when i watched Frozen. i didn't mind it very much the first time. i fell i missed something so i watch it a 2nd time. i watch it about 4 more times and i adore it almost as much as Frozen. The characters are all memorable and lovable, there are some kickass musical numbers and there are too many great visuals in this movie to simply ignore it. to think this started the Disney renaissance is not a surprise, although it is a surprise that like frozen, Disney was reinvigorated by Hans Christian Anderson. The story is that Ariel, the titular Little mermaid, is aching to go the the surface against the desires of her father, king Triton. she has a collection of human memorabilia and even is in love with a human, prince Eric. the evil sea witch Ursula finds out, and after a truly awful scene where Kig triton destroys everything she owns, she manipulates Ariel by asking for her voice in exchange for legs, as well as a contract that she must kiss Eric in three days, or be her property forever. simple story, but its the execution that truly sells it for me.
why did i love it? well, unlike most movies i love, there is very little actually wrong with this movie. this is a kind of movie that can only be appreciated once you see it several times, so u can understand all the hidden underlying messages that get covered by unfair assumptions. most people hate this film for being a bad example on little girls. on one hand , i could understand that, seeing as Ariel wants to leave her family for a man. however, Ariel actually does NOT do this...yes, she does love him, but her primary interest is getting to the surface. she wants to explore and see the sights, find a way to her happiness. other people criticize the prince. he simply falls in love with a mute girl on the beach. i disagree. he subconsciously knows that this is the girl that saved her life, and even from her looks, she is quite expressive and plenty can be taken about her character from her mute scenes alone. also, he actually helps Ariel defeat Ursula at the end. he doesn't just do it himself like prince Phillip, or just sit down and do nothing like prince..uhh...whatever the princes name in Cinderella was. every detail of this movie is something that i can tell was chosen carefully and lovingly, to create this magnificent product. i think its blatantly obvious, but this is why i give a perfect ten to this perfect film.
why did i love it? well, unlike most movies i love, there is very little actually wrong with this movie. this is a kind of movie that can only be appreciated once you see it several times, so u can understand all the hidden underlying messages that get covered by unfair assumptions. most people hate this film for being a bad example on little girls. on one hand , i could understand that, seeing as Ariel wants to leave her family for a man. however, Ariel actually does NOT do this...yes, she does love him, but her primary interest is getting to the surface. she wants to explore and see the sights, find a way to her happiness. other people criticize the prince. he simply falls in love with a mute girl on the beach. i disagree. he subconsciously knows that this is the girl that saved her life, and even from her looks, she is quite expressive and plenty can be taken about her character from her mute scenes alone. also, he actually helps Ariel defeat Ursula at the end. he doesn't just do it himself like prince Phillip, or just sit down and do nothing like prince..uhh...whatever the princes name in Cinderella was. every detail of this movie is something that i can tell was chosen carefully and lovingly, to create this magnificent product. i think its blatantly obvious, but this is why i give a perfect ten to this perfect film.