Me, Myself and Irene (2000): Dir: Bobby Farrelly, Peter Farrelly / Cast: Jim Carrey, Renee Zellweger, Chris Cooper, Anthony Anderson, Robert Forster: Twisted and vulgar comedy featuring a scene where a chicken is seen penetrating someone's anal track. Gimmick title regards two personalities of one factor and the obvious presence of another. Jim Carrey plays a Rhode Island state trooper who gets married but loses her to a black midget limousine driver. He fathers the three black children but viewed as a joke when his neighbour's dog craps on his lawn. When he snaps his aggression forms Hank who retaliates by driving an illegally parked truck through a window, and craps on his neighbour's lawn. Central plot regards his transporting Renee Zellweger across state and the bad guys that pursue them. Great background story gives way to typical road movie and bathroom humour. Directors Bobby and Peter Farrelly address split personalities but this isn't a masterpiece like their Kingpin or There's Something About Mary. Carrey is hilarious but subdued in road movie clichés before his heroic climax. Zellweger is a prop with the personality of a rock. Chris Cooper is wasted as a villain. Robert Forster came off an Oscar nomination for Jackie Brown and is greatly underused here. The black children display some growth and intellect. Vulgar yet amusing take on today's headaches. Score: 7 / 10