I started watching this with very high hopes. As a proud Texan I was happy that the rest of the nation would get to learn more about our history, not just that there was a massacre at the Alamo but the whole story of the fight for Texas freedom.
HOW WRONG I WAS. The History Channel has taken Texas history and made it into a truly God-awful soap opera with a few historical names and events sprinkled in here and there. The facts are so washed out that this shouldn't even be called history. The least the History Channel could have done was film in Texas!! Its like they just said "F*ck it, everyone thinks Texas looks like this anyways" This is such a poor and vapid representation of the struggles that men and women went through for the republic of Texas. The History Channel can not seriously be expecting people to believe this is really how it happened.
I may not be a historian but I have done more than my fair share of research on Texas history and I do not recall Santa Anna having a French accent. Someone must have been drunk when casting some of these characters. And the story line skims over most of the characters, not really giving the audience to know who they were or why they are important to the story-line. The writers end up losing many important figures by simply trying to fit too many into this letdown of a TV series. Sad really. Quantity over quality it seems.
The only shining light this series has is Brendan Fraser and the truly terrifying Ray Liotta. They make this worth watching.
HOW WRONG I WAS. The History Channel has taken Texas history and made it into a truly God-awful soap opera with a few historical names and events sprinkled in here and there. The facts are so washed out that this shouldn't even be called history. The least the History Channel could have done was film in Texas!! Its like they just said "F*ck it, everyone thinks Texas looks like this anyways" This is such a poor and vapid representation of the struggles that men and women went through for the republic of Texas. The History Channel can not seriously be expecting people to believe this is really how it happened.
I may not be a historian but I have done more than my fair share of research on Texas history and I do not recall Santa Anna having a French accent. Someone must have been drunk when casting some of these characters. And the story line skims over most of the characters, not really giving the audience to know who they were or why they are important to the story-line. The writers end up losing many important figures by simply trying to fit too many into this letdown of a TV series. Sad really. Quantity over quality it seems.
The only shining light this series has is Brendan Fraser and the truly terrifying Ray Liotta. They make this worth watching.