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Review of Stash House

Stash House (2012)
If Your Dolph Lundgren Fan like me this movie is really noting special
31 May 2015
Dolph Lundgren doesn't really do much in movie, i am huge fan of Dolph Lundgren The Expendables Franchise,Universal Solider Franchise,Army of One i really love but i wish he was main character in main role film but it looks like it he is main role but he is not the actually main role he is villain but not much of psychopath like Universal Soldier i thought him as villain in movie was wasn't good character just he

didn't do much in movie.Actress i am fine with(Briana Evigan)Amy Step Up franchise had Husband (Sean Fears) David Never Back Down found perfect for him and his wife a house with nobody has own it. perfect neighborhood Thinking the best option is to leave and call the cops they walk outside and their neighbor tells them that that is a bad idea. Running back into the house they have no option but to toss out the stash to the people waiting for them, but that is not all they were looking for. David found wall full of heron drugs over there house Thinking the best option is to leave and call the cops they walk outside and their neighbor tells them that that is a bad idea. Running back into the house they have no option but to toss out the stash to the people waiting for them, but that is not all they were looking for.

wife and husband doing noting they found drugs in house and fight for there life's.(Dolph Lundgren)Andy was Main Villain this isn't your typical action movie with Dolph Lundgren that he wanted house back then his Crew (Jon Huertas) Ray Jaffe try's kill David and Amy what they saw beyond wall of full of heron drugs over there house they wanna go back but that's what i don't get why did they leave house it was on sale where did they go ? this movie was more of thriller not even action flick i mean i wish that Dolph was main hero saving his kids all that but Dolph was villain in movie but he wasn't much better he didn't do much action was good in film i am OK with b-class films, it's not that i hate movie i liked 5.10 but it wasn't Dolph film even he didn't do much beside he killing people not much breaking David fingers i must break David fingers witch scene i liked i thought this movie was OK

thriller it's good to see a bit different Dolph character was villain but i have seen better. i have enjoyed Dolph and Briana Evigan characters and Sean fears Dolph was actually by far the best actor in this movie and that is not saying much about this movie it's bit like Dolph Lundgren Delivers it's Panic Room Meet Hostage (2005) Bruce

Willis Stash house should have been Dolph Lundgren main role visiting his kids in house with his wife and then he use to work with bad guys drug dealers trying kill his family and then Dolph fights,protected his family should have been 5.10 there is really noting much to say about this movie i like Dolph as main hero OK villain but that's enough being villain not doing much he was better villain in Rocky 4 (1985) and Universal Soldier franchise Director Eduardo Rodriguez who did El Gringo,Fright Night 2 Remake didn't put more effort to movie i wish this movie did better 5.10
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