These Christmas movies are all cheesy, that's true. I love them anyway. I will watch them no matter how stupid, because they're sweet at heart, even though silly.
Until this one! This is horrible! Two totally unlikeable people, who do nothing but harp at each other constantly. They turn on each other on a dime, with barely the slightest provocation. Constant bickering that's mean-spirited and screeching.
Combine that with plot lines that you could drive a truck through, they're so ridiculous. Absolutely nothing to make the movie worthwhile. I ended up turning it off for good with the last 15 minutes unwatched - I honestly couldn't have cared less about any of the characters, or cared if they got together. More than that, listening to this was tying my stomach up in knots with the unpleasantness. Hardly a feel-good movie.
Until this one! This is horrible! Two totally unlikeable people, who do nothing but harp at each other constantly. They turn on each other on a dime, with barely the slightest provocation. Constant bickering that's mean-spirited and screeching.
Combine that with plot lines that you could drive a truck through, they're so ridiculous. Absolutely nothing to make the movie worthwhile. I ended up turning it off for good with the last 15 minutes unwatched - I honestly couldn't have cared less about any of the characters, or cared if they got together. More than that, listening to this was tying my stomach up in knots with the unpleasantness. Hardly a feel-good movie.