I loved this movie when it first came out,and kept going back to it again and again. The subject matter was very sad,and the acting was uniformly excellent.However,I suddenly became aware of a huge plot hole,and it's bothered me ever since. Frankly,I'm stunned that no one else has seemed to pick up on it. Anthony Edwards plays an American in England with terminal cancer who ends up in the hospital fighting the disease. However,at no point in the film is he ever visited by any relatives,and in fact does not receive so much as a phone call from anyone expressing concern for his condition. Even at the end,we see him with the Dalton character and not a single family member present. What gives? Was he estranged from his entire family? The movie doesn't say. More likely is that explanatory scenes were edited out for whatever reason. It's an odd omission that bugs me every time I think of it.