This is the third sequel to The Happy Ghost, where a group of college guys (portrayed by Hong Kong boy band Beyond) discovers the remains of an ancient evil warlord from an old cave and brings it to their dormitory, which ultimately awakens the warlord's ghost. It is seeking to avenge the woman responsible for his death many years ago, who has since reincarnated as college professor Hong Sam Kwai's (Raymond Wong) girlfriend, Annie (Pauline Yeung). With Kwai and Annie endangered, Kwai's reincarnated spirit, Stewart Pik, tries to save them.
This movie has a pretty fast-paced plot and cool special effects. It is has more menacing ghost action, as evident in the demon Kwan Yeung (Shun Lau). While the previous film has a ghost trying to make Kwai's life crazy, this film's ghost is actually life-threatening to Kwai, which gives the story added suspense and intrigue. The subplot of Kwai and Annie's rocky relationship and Stewart Pik's invisible peacock feather is also pretty entertaining.
The addition of the Boy Band Beyond gives this movie more of a teenage-flick flavor, especially in the parts where they sing songs to woo four college girls (in cameo roles portrayed by Fennie Yuen, May Lo, Charine Chan and Loletta Lee). I thought this was a little out of place for the trilogy, but it was nice seeing the cameo appearances of the girls, although, I wished they had larger roles in the film.
Overall, it's a pretty nice and fun film - not as nostalgic or carefree as the previous films, but entertaining enough to pass the time.
Grade B
This movie has a pretty fast-paced plot and cool special effects. It is has more menacing ghost action, as evident in the demon Kwan Yeung (Shun Lau). While the previous film has a ghost trying to make Kwai's life crazy, this film's ghost is actually life-threatening to Kwai, which gives the story added suspense and intrigue. The subplot of Kwai and Annie's rocky relationship and Stewart Pik's invisible peacock feather is also pretty entertaining.
The addition of the Boy Band Beyond gives this movie more of a teenage-flick flavor, especially in the parts where they sing songs to woo four college girls (in cameo roles portrayed by Fennie Yuen, May Lo, Charine Chan and Loletta Lee). I thought this was a little out of place for the trilogy, but it was nice seeing the cameo appearances of the girls, although, I wished they had larger roles in the film.
Overall, it's a pretty nice and fun film - not as nostalgic or carefree as the previous films, but entertaining enough to pass the time.
Grade B