I used to watch this series as a child in syndication. Watching it as an adult, I couldn't help but notice that they wear the same outfits throughout the first season. The acting seems staged and forced at times. While the series is cheesy with it's sets and story lines, I found it to be entertaining again. The cast of the family should have been bigger. After all, Rick and kids, Will and Holly, are in the land of the lost. They only have Chaka, a hairy creature, and they have to run from dinosaurs and the Sleestak (the green men). Sure, the series is laughable as an adult but I had fond memories of watching it as a child. I don't know if younger audiences will get it or even believe it is possible. Still, you have to get past the cheesy sets, costumes, and special effects to really enjoy it. It's not so bad after all!