Plot-- A very plain faculty woman gets a glamor makeover, thrusting her suddenly onto the pop music scene and a bunch of new suitors.
I had to chuckle at the passing remark where Jimmy (Haymes) says he's dieting so he can get skinny—an obvious reference to Sinatra, then the big bobby-sox idol. The film's a Haymes showcase. He gets to croon a number of tunes in a highly pleasing manner. As an actor, he's a boyish figure, likable but without much charisma. Too bad his career ended after getting mixed up with draft-dodging issues. The movie's pleasant enough without being anything special. James gets to do more acting than conducting; plus the band selections are mediocre, at best. O'Hara certainly looks the part of a Cinderella after the glamor make-over, and even gets to shake a leg along with the acrobatic dancers. Still, her specialty was drama, causing me to wonder where TCF's many music queens like Grable were, besides sitting in the back of a taxi. All in all, it's a decent little 40's musical in vivid candy-box colors. But I can't help thinking the movie could have used more bounce and less talky plot.
I had to chuckle at the passing remark where Jimmy (Haymes) says he's dieting so he can get skinny—an obvious reference to Sinatra, then the big bobby-sox idol. The film's a Haymes showcase. He gets to croon a number of tunes in a highly pleasing manner. As an actor, he's a boyish figure, likable but without much charisma. Too bad his career ended after getting mixed up with draft-dodging issues. The movie's pleasant enough without being anything special. James gets to do more acting than conducting; plus the band selections are mediocre, at best. O'Hara certainly looks the part of a Cinderella after the glamor make-over, and even gets to shake a leg along with the acrobatic dancers. Still, her specialty was drama, causing me to wonder where TCF's many music queens like Grable were, besides sitting in the back of a taxi. All in all, it's a decent little 40's musical in vivid candy-box colors. But I can't help thinking the movie could have used more bounce and less talky plot.