This movie begins with a lone cowboy by the name of "Randy Bowers" (John Wayne) riding to a saloon on the outskirts of a small town out west. When he enters he notices 4 or 5 dead bodies and a safe that has apparently been ransacked. Unfortunately for Randy a posse arrives while he is looking at some remaining documents in the safe and he is arrested for murder. What neither he nor the sheriff realizes however is that there was someone still inside the saloon who was watching everything that happened. Not only that, but as the movie progresses it becomes even more obvious that things aren't necessarily as they seem. Now, as far as the merits of this movie are concerned I must say that, even though it has John Wayne as the main character, this film was clearly produced before his rise to super stardom. Although he manages to hold his own as far as acting is concerned the rest of the cast were not nearly as competent. On that score it certainly didn't help that the script was extremely weak as well. Less critically, I have attributed the fact that this movie was filmed in black and white and lasts only 53 minutes as simply a product of its time (1934). Even so, I still have to call it like I see it and I have rated this movie accordingly. Slightly below average.