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Review of Machete

Machete (2010)
A fun film to watch. I liked it!
2 September 2014

This film started out as a fake trailer for the middle of the Tarrantino / Rodriguez film Gindhouse. It was a great touch and I was glad that the film was made in the end.

The story is about a guy named Machete who is framed for the attempted murder of a senator who is trying to stop illegal immigrants.

This film is super violent. As soon as the film starts you can tell what kind of movie this is going to be. Within the first 5 minutes there are be headings and loss of limbs. There is blood everywhere. It is completely unrealistic but fantastic at the same time. It was made as if it was a 70s slasher film. You have everything in it to make you think this is a really old film, yet it was made in 2010.

I love the vision Rodriguez has for his films. He has clear influences that he uses and he does it so well.

There are some hilarious moments in this film too. It was made like that on purpose. The tongue in cheek moments were brilliant. This has everything you would expect from a film like this. Blood, guts, nudity, bad language and terrible acting... but the bad acting was done on purpose because that is how it was back in the 70s.

Because the acting was bad it means the actors actually did a brilliant job. The movie stars Danny Trejo as Machete. I love Danny. It is about time he got a leading role for himself. He has been in so many good movies and deserves the recognition. Other great cast members were Robert DeNiro, Jessica Alba, Steven Seagal, Michelle Rodriguez, Jeff Fahey, Cheech Marin, Don Johnson and Lindsay Lohan. I can't fault anyone at all... the perfect cast for this kind of film.

The effects were over the top... on purpose. They looked great. I loved the scene where Machete was hanging from a window by some elses intestines. Really badly done, but hilarious!

Honestly this film has everything. You need to watch it to believe it. I can't wait to see Machete Kills.

I will give this film 7 out of 10.

"Machete don't text"

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