How to say anything without it being a spoiler (on some level)? There are medium spoilers and big spoilers for this great film. My spoiler is probably an obvious one early on anyway but, I don't want to be blacklisted! I was surprised it was so good and ended so well. I kept thinking the male lead was Will Arnett and then realized he was in the New adventures of old Christine. This role reveals the true depth of his abilities. The timing and emotion shown by all the lead roles wasexcellent. The setting is modern day, near Christmas time in Colorado but, could be any season or location. Love, family,self honesty and serendepity are main ingredients. If you want a warm movie, both humorous and sad at times--but with a happy ending, get a latte, or Folger's, a scone and enjoy the road to love!
Review of The Road to Christmas
The Road to Christmas
(2006 TV Movie)
Wonderful feel good movie with superior dialogue, story and acting!
12 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers