Director Bob Chinn states in an interview on a pod-cast that that the law was getting too close for comfort on the West Coast for his pornographic film projects, so he went to Hawaii to film the Johnny Wadd series movie THE TROPIC OF PASSION. Due to airfare and location fees, TROPIC OF PASSION cost more than previous Johnny Wadd movies - Chinn estimates a budget of $3,000. To recoup the money, he sold the outtakes to Manuel Conde, who fashioned them into THE DANISH CONNECTION.
Given Holmes' notoriety, it's pretty safe to assume that Conde made a nice profit from this feature in the '70's, when there were still lots of drive-in theaters running soft-core exploitation films.
Given Holmes' notoriety, it's pretty safe to assume that Conde made a nice profit from this feature in the '70's, when there were still lots of drive-in theaters running soft-core exploitation films.